
Keep Your Sparkle After the Holidays
With New Year's Eve right around the corner, all things sparkly are probably making their way to your newsfeed and email inbox as we speak. We admit that we LOVE sparkle too - who doesn't? But sometimes I question whether...
Perfecting Holiday Wear
What am I going to wear for all the holiday celebrating that is about to go down? That's a loaded question to think about  as the last few days of 2014 quickly slip away. Well, I wanted to share some...
Offering Personal Delivery!
2014 is nearing an end and I personally can not believe it. The Christmas season has already pulled its usual fast one on me and I've been scrambling around picking up last minute gifts. Then I think about what I want...
Popping Up at Brew Ha Ha | You're Invited to Shop!
Pop-up shops are a simple concept, right? You set up a small rack of sample clothes and accessories, offer a discount or two, give people food and a little something to sip on, and you're all set! After Annie and...
I've Got a (Fur) Feeling
Let's talk about how obsessed I am with fur for a minute. In my opinion, every girl should have something furry in her closet. If you don't, you're just simply missing out! Whether it's a simple, neutral colored jacket or...
What to Wear for Thanksgiving
It really is unfortunate how Thanksgiving gets overlooked. I mean when you think about it, it's a pretty cool holiday. It's always on a Thursday and most people have off of work the next day (unlike Christmas where you could...
The Best Jacket You'll See all Year
Winter weather is upon us and it has me shivering. Yep, I'm pulling out the hot chocolate and am ready for a fire. It's true, I may be jumping the gun, but when it's this cold in Louisiana, it gives me...
Holiday Lookbook Sneak Peek
It's hard to believe that it's almost December and the holiday shopping frenzy is already upon us. Just walk into any Hobby Lobby and you'll see that Christmas decorations have been on display for months now. Although I am a sucker...
Sweater Weather
It's here, y'all! Hot chocolate. Fires in the fire pit. Gumbo on the stove. Sweater weather! I'm always excited when the weather changes, but this year is special. I'm even MORE excited because of all the comfy, cute sweaters SoSis...
Work with What You Got!
When Chel and I were dreaming up the SoSis concept, we really wanted to try to set ourselves apart from the many options shoppers have when browsing online. We choose to carry trendy clothes because we wanted our pieces to make...
Wedding Wear | Couple's Shower Attire
The wedding festivities are officially kicking off this weekend with a Couple's Shower being thrown for us by our family and friends. I really can't believe that I'm getting MARRIED in less than six months! It's crazy how fast time has...
Meet the New Ladies of SoSis
Pam, Capulet, Britt and Trisha want to meet you. They're the type of girlfriends that always lend a helping hand and are never too cool to carry your personal things when you need them most. Ok, ok, really, I'm just...
Crop Tops: A Tricky Trend
I was skeptical too. I mean are midriffs "in?" How am I supposed to pull this off? Me - a non-model and someone who most consider a little on the conservative side? If you're wondering if crop tops are for...
Separate & Beautiful: Matching Sepatates
Matching separates. They're all the craze. We are sure loving it right now! Being too "matchy matchy” is so 1995 (think long mom shorts and vests). Today, the "matchier," the better! Bold, patterned prints are in and here to stay...
Five Fall Trends Coming to SoSis this Fall
1. Matchy matchy is a good thing Remember back in the 80's when your mom wore matching separates?  Like a blazer and pants/skirt all in the same print?  Well, it's baaackk and in a fun, new, flirty way.  Most matching...
MAGIC: Day Three
Ok, so today was a much better day.  I felt a lot more comfortable with how things go around here. With a good night's sleep the night before, I was ready to take on the beast they call MAGIC. I...
Trying to Create a MAGIC Experience from Home
Ok, I admit it, I'm pretty dang sad that I'm not at MAGIC Market Week with my sis right about now. From the beginning, we decided that it's most efficient to send just one of us to our first market...
MAGIC: Taking a Deep Breath on Day Two
Overwhelmed is an understatement for this worn out chick right here.  I was prepared - even wore comfy shoes and clothes - but the amount there is to see at MAGIC is indescribable. I feel like the Las Vegas Convention Center is...
MAGIC: Day One
After a long morning of flying, I made it to Vegas for MAGIC - the largest global marketplace for contemporary men’s and women’s apparel, footwear, accessories and sourcing resources. It's our first trip for SoSis and I'm pretty ecstatic to...